Friday, June 17, 2011

Billy Marmalade Academy

Are you craft starved? Running out of ideas for new and fabulous things to make? Miss hanging with your homies I mean girlfriends? Well I have come up with a solution lovelies.......

This is the first year we are going to try this. Hopefully it is successful and it will become a yearly or maybe bi-annual event. I am putting together a type of Super Saturday of sorts but I want it to be different. This is not church related! I just wanted to make that clear. Anyway, it needs to be a get away. I want to offer fab classes with stuff you can actually use, that won't sit collecting dust somewhere. I want there to be a catered lunch (I'm catering it so now you have to come won't you) with happy food goodness and cupcakes.

I'm thinking October. Why?Because it's after school starts and before the holiday crackheadedness (say that 5 times fast) begins. So this is what I want you to do. If you are interested, follow this blog. That means you need to sign up as a follower and that way you will be notified of any new posts with important details and I can get a feel for how many of you are interested.

I will be adding pictures of classes we (I say we because I will be recruiting the "we" and they don't know it yet) will be offering. If you have any requests or ideas or would want to possibly teach a class please let me know. Right now this is still in the beginning stage so sign ups, costs and things of this nature is still to be determined. This post is to get you thinking and excited!

Please feel free to alert friends you think would like to do this. All are welcome!

So......sound good? Yes? and away we go.
